Our Wineries — Indevin New Zealand

90Million litres of wine are processed every year across our four wineries. That’s almost 19% of the total wine exports in New Zealand.

With over 93,000 T processing capacity across our four sites across Aotearoa - we’re well set up to process and distribute New Zealand wines across the globe.




Fairhall Winery - Marlborough

Established 2000

The Villa Maria winery site serves to process the most significant tonnage for the Villa Maria group. This is where we produce our famous Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Noir.

The winery sits in the heart of Marlborough’s Wairau Valley nestled in amongst our Southern Clays and Attorney vineyards.


15 VALLEY WINERY - Marlborough

Overlooking Cloudy Bay, our 15 Valley winery nestles into the foothills of the Wither Hills and is our largest winery.

Our internationally experienced winemaking team, along with our cellar and laboratory staff provide world-class talent, adding individually tailored winemaking services to best-in-class infrastructure. Bulls-i, our bespoke winery management software, guarantees absolute visibility and traceability of our production and supply chain operations.

Indevin’s compliance processes and detailed product records are at the heart of our production methodology, delivering the sort of quality assurance you’d expect from a large scale global exporter.



Established 2018

A state-of-the-art winery situated on the edge of the Gimblett Gravels, specialising in the production of Chardonnay, Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot.

The proximity of the winery to our vineyards allowing for fruit to be processed within minutes of being picked with gentle machinery allowing exceptional flexibility and quality control.



Established as a wine region by Fredrick Wohnseidler back in the 1920s, Gisborne is situated on the North Island’s most easterly tip. Known in Māori as Tairawhiti, (“the coast upon which the sun shines across the water”), Gisborne enjoyed planting expansion through the 1970s with companies such as Penfolds, Cooks, Montana and Corbans all claiming a stake in the area.

Today, these well known wine companies, along with Wohnseidler, are part of Indevin Gisborne. Our two winery sites offer world-class infrastructure and winemaking services, with a crush capacity of 9,000 tonnes of grapes.